everything · no notes
2025-03-11 — CRISPR: isn't that your problem solved?
2025-03-10 — Prion cell biology primer
2024-12-27 — ION717 trial fully enrolled
2024-11-14 — Accelerating gene therapy clinical trials in seropositive patients
2024-11-05 — Gene therapy immunogenicity primer
2024-10-04 — AAV primer
2024-09-23 — DNA methylation: durability and what's unique about the brain
2024-08-16 — ION717 trial resumes recruitment
2024-06-28 — RNATx 2024
2024-06-27 — Introducing CHARM
2024-06-21 — DNA methylation primer
2024-05-22 — A big step forward for brain delivery of gene therapies
2024-05-06 — What if drugs can affect NfL by clearance?
2024-04-11 — Why the ION717 trial is paused
2024-04-03 — What can we learn about PRNP from gnomAD v4?
2024-03-21 — End of the beginning
2024-02-29 — Evidence that PrP GPI signal sequence matters
2023-12-28 — A cryptic exon to lower PrP
2023-12-21 — First ION717 trial site launches
2023-12-20 — Biomarker changes before disease onset in our MGH cohort study
2023-12-04 — First details of Ionis trial disclosed
2023-10-04 — Ionis re-commits to new timeline for prion disease ASO trials
2023-05-17 — Duration of prodrome and of disease
2023-05-16 — ASOs at single cell resolution
2023-04-25 — Tofersen is now the closest thing so far
2023-02-21 — STX6: validating and invalidating a drug target in the same breath
2022-11-30 — Second dispatch from the London cohort
2022-11-01 — ASOs and hydrocephalus
2022-10-24 — Prevention and targeted therapies are not business as usual
2022-10-12 — Lessons from that first crowdfunded experiment in 2013
2022-09-07 — Not every drug has its target
2022-08-23 — All the non-human primate studies
2022-07-27 — How many patients do we have?
2022-03-30 — Antisense candidate for C9orf72 ALS fails
2022-03-17 — Results in from PRN100 antibody first-in-human dosing
2022-01-21 — Tominersen being rebooted for early HD
2021-12-16 — The Lancet Summit: presymptomatic prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases
2021-11-04 — Clinical laboratory tests: what's in a number?
2021-10-18 — Middling results for tofersen in SOD1 ALS
2021-08-10 — The role of different brain cell types in prion disease
2021-04-28 — Details emerge on tominersen trial halt
2021-04-08 — RNA therapeutic news roundup Q1 2021
2021-04-07 — Ionis pivots on PRNP candidate
2021-03-24 — Huntington's disease ASO trial halted
2021-01-11 — RNA therapeutic news roundup for 2020
2021-01-07 — The NIH/KOMP workshop on gene essentiality
2020-08-18 — The London study: plasma NfL in pre-symptomatic genetic prion disease
2020-06-23 — Five years of screening, not one advanceable hit
2020-05-27 — The variants you see and the variants you don't see
2020-05-04 — A glimpse of non-PRNP genetic risk factors for prion disease
2020-04-30 — The natural history of prion disease in mice
2020-03-31 — ASOs work
2020-03-22 — Birth announcement
2020-03-19 — Our preventive clinical strategy in genetic prion disease
2020-03-03 — PrP antibodies in humans: the experiments of nature
2020-02-24 — Is peripheral neuropathy in prion disease caused by a loss of PrP function?
2020-01-08 — The anticipation parallelogram
2019-12-17 — First results in from our MGH clinical research study
2019-12-04 — Is PRNP associated to any human traits besides prion disease?
2019-10-25 — Anastasia Khvorova: oligonucleotide therapeutics, the future of human medicine
2019-09-20 — Roland Herzog: de-immunizing AAV
2019-09-12 — Developments and challenges in degradation-targeting chimeras
2019-09-09 — Come join our team
2019-09-07 — AGBT-PH 2019
2019-08-29 — Antisense part V: safety
2019-07-23 — What gene therapy can and can't do today
2019-07-16 — PRN100 antibody first-in-human
2019-07-14 — CJD Foundation Family Conference 2019
2019-06-18 — Antisense part IV: pharmacokinetics and cell biology
2019-06-05 — Using genetic data to estimate disease prevalence
2019-05-30 — Graduation day
2019-05-23 — Prion2019 days 2-3 and poster session
2019-05-21 — Prion2019 day 1: biomarker workshop
2019-05-14 — What's the deal with GPI-anchored proteins?
2019-04-29 — How pharmaceutical industry financial modelers think about your rare disease
2019-04-04 — Measuring PrP in spinal fluid two different ways
2019-01-28 — Using human loss-of-function variants to evaluate drug targets
2018-12-06 — Prion disease is not one in a million
2018-09-12 — What can loss-of-function variants predict about drug safety?
2018-09-06 — Racing against a clock we can't see
2018-08-28 — Antisense part III: chemistries
2018-08-13 — FDA approval of the first RNAi drug
2018-08-07 — Survey of fluid biomarkers in prion disease
2018-07-25 — Antisense part II: mechanisms of action
2018-07-15 — CJD Foundation Family Conference 2018
2018-07-10 — Antisense part I: the basics
2017-12-18 — Protective PrP missense variants
2017-12-15 — Human prion propagation in cell culture
2017-12-13 — Targeting glutamate receptors in prion disease
2017-12-11 — Huntingtin becomes the huntingted
2017-12-08 — Skin, surgery, and CJD
2017-11-10 — Announcing the Prion Registry
2017-10-25 — Aguzzi on tour
2017-07-25 — Birth announcement
2017-07-19 — Clinical research study launching at Massachusetts General Hospital
2017-06-08 — Differential scanning fluorimetry for PrP: an assay development saga
2017-06-07 — Recombinant prion protein QC
2017-04-25 — Why do some PrP mutations cause disease?
2017-04-24 — Annotating the literature on pathogenicity of PRNP variants
2017-03-16 — How to compare clinical trial data to a natural history control?
2017-03-03 — Preventive trial withdrawal rates
2017-02-28 — Prions@Broad is hiring
2017-01-17 — Food and Drug Law 10: Biologicals
2017-01-12 — Food and Drug Law 08: Prescribing & Generics
2017-01-11 — Food and Drug Law 07: Drug Development Continued; Labeling & Advertising
2017-01-10 — Food and Drug Law 06: Regulation of Drugs
2017-01-04 — Food and Drug Law 02: Jurisdiction & Enforcement
2017-01-03 — Food and Drug Law 01: Introduction to FDA
2016-12-13 — 21st Century Cures
2016-11-17 — How to do a DNA-encoded library selection
2016-11-14 — Thermodynamics in binding assays
2016-11-09 — BroadE workshop on quantitative proteomics
2016-10-20 — The deal with Accelerated Approval
2016-10-19 — Estimation of penetrance using population allele frequency
2016-09-12 — Isothermal titration calorimetry
2016-08-19 — Presymptomatic imaging
2016-08-16 — Native function update
2016-08-02 — The role of microglia in prion disease
2016-07-10 — CJD2016
2016-07-06 — Mouse models of genetic prion disease
2016-06-28 — Introductory prion reading list
2016-06-03 — New Technologies Club lecture on cryo-electron microscopy
2016-05-13 — Prion2016
2016-05-08 — A mechanism of action hypothesis
2016-04-27 — Differential scanning calorimetry
2016-04-13 — Charting the PrP archipelago with TROSY
2016-03-17 — John Ioannidis: the state of research on research
2016-03-04 — BroadE workshop on fragment-based drug discovery
2016-03-02 — What do we know about ApoE?
2016-02-25 — Sonia speaks with President Obama about precision medicine
2016-02-17 — Age of onset in genetic prion disease
2016-02-16 — Q&A on genetic prion disease risk
2016-01-20 — Does this mean I'll definitely get the disease?
2016-01-13 — NMR fragment screening
2016-01-07 — Proton NMR on recombinant PrP
2015-12-27 — Circular dichroism on recombinant PrP
2015-12-22 — Our first recombinant PrP prep at Broad
2015-12-01 — Chemical biology 22: aging
2015-11-24 — Chemical biology 21: stem cells and regenerative medicine
2015-11-19 — Chemical biology 20: cancer stem cells
2015-11-18 — A look at PrP knockdown screen data
2015-11-17 — Chemical biology 19: oncogene addiction in cancer
2015-11-12 — Chemical biology 18: a new view of diabetes
2015-11-10 — Chemical biology 17: psychiatric disease
2015-11-05 — Chemical biology 16: infectious disease
2015-10-29 — Chemical biology tutorial 2: cheminformatics and small-molecule activity databases
2015-10-27 — Chemical biology discussion 08: neglected tropical diseases
2015-10-27 — Chemical biology 15: Diversity pathways leading to screening collections that have illuminated biology
2015-10-22 — Chemical biology 14: Achieving stereochemical diversity
2015-10-21 — Is there anything special about PrP's expression?
2015-10-20 — Chemical biology discussion 07: diversity-oriented synthesis
2015-10-20 — Chemical biology 13: Achieving skeletal diversity
2015-10-15 — Chemical biology 12: Build/couple/pair in diversity-oriented synthesis
2015-10-13 — Chemical biology discussion 06: bryostatin
2015-10-13 — Chemical biology 11: Target-oriented next-generation synthesis
2015-10-09 — Is PRNP mRNA alternatively spliced?
2015-10-08 — Chemical biology 10: Chromatin and small-molecule modulators
2015-10-06 — Chemical biology 09: Immunophilins and small-molecule modulators
2015-10-01 — Chemical biology 08: The role of natural products in drug development
2015-09-29 — Chemical biology discussion 04: FTO discussion
2015-09-29 — Chemical biology 07: Origins of small molecules
2015-09-24 — Chemical biology tutorial 1: cMAP workshop
2015-09-23 — Small molecules to reduce one protein's expression
2015-09-22 — Chemical biology discussion 03: grant writing
2015-09-22 — Chemical biology 06: screening for drug discovery, target identification
2015-09-21 — The N-terminal toxicity hypothesis
2015-09-20 — The math behind Spearman-Karber analysis
2015-09-17 — Chemical biology 05: Using small molecules to understand life processes
2015-09-15 — Chemical biology 04: Gene expression
2015-09-09 — Proposal writing 1: Introduction
2015-09-01 — Polythiophenes go in vivo
2015-08-24 — Thalidomide's renaissance
2015-08-02 — Two more chapters for 2-aminothiazoles
2015-07-22 — Reports of small molecule PrPC ligands
2015-07-12 — Summaries of the CJD2015 conference talks
2015-06-19 — The curious antiprion activity of antimalarial quinolines
2015-06-10 — The powerful protective effect of G127V
2015-06-01 — Prion2015 posters
2015-05-29 — Prion2015 Day 4
2015-05-28 — Prion2015 Day 3
2015-05-27 — Prion2015 Day 2
2015-05-26 — Prion2015 Day 1
2015-05-15 — Protein folding term paper: Deciphering the disease mechanism of SOD1 ALS
2015-05-14 — Protein folding 14: Amyloids and prions, Alzheimer disease, and metals
2015-05-07 — Protein folding 13: SecB, light chain amyloidosis, and Parkinson disease
2015-04-30 — Protein folding 12: Trigger factor and SOD1
2015-04-30 — How do SOD1 mutations cause ALS?
2015-04-29 — Organic chemistry 33: Mass spectrometry
2015-04-27 — Organic chemistry 32: NMR spin-spin coupling
2015-04-24 — Genetics in medicine 12: Blood lipids and myocardial infarction
2015-04-24 — Organic chemistry 31: Proton NMR spectroscopy
2015-04-23 — Protein folding 11: Etiology of disease and the beta helix model of amyloid
2015-04-22 — Organic chemistry 30: Infrared and ultraviolet spectroscopy
2015-04-21 — Are PrP levels in CSF a potential biomarker in prion disease?
2015-04-20 — Measuring mHTT levels in CSF in Huntington disease
2015-04-20 — Organic chemistry 29: Aromaticity - nucleophilic aromatic substitution, benzyne
2015-04-17 — Genetics in medicine 11: Schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
2015-04-17 — Organic chemistry 28: Aromaticity - electrophilic aromatic substitution
2015-04-16 — Protein folding 10: Lessons from virology
2015-04-15 — Completed clinical trials in prion disease
2015-04-15 — Organic chemistry 27: Introduction to aromaticity
2015-04-10 — Genetics in medicine 10: Lung cancer
2015-04-10 — Organic chemistry 26: Diels-Alder cycloaddition
2015-04-09 — Protein folding 09: Sickle cell disease
2015-04-08 — Organic chemistry 25: Stereochemistry - diastereoselective and enantioselective reactions
2015-04-06 — Backgrounder on SOD1
2015-04-06 — Organic chemistry 24: Alkynes - reactions, synthesis and protecting groups
2015-04-03 — Genetics in medicine 09: Alzheimer disease
2015-04-03 — Organic chemistry 23: Radicals - allylic and benzylic bromination, cyclizations
2015-04-02 — Protein folding 08: Chaperones and chaperonin
2015-04-01 — Organic chemistry 22: Radicals - alkene halogenation, polymerization
2015-03-30 — Organic chemistry 21: Alkenes - haloetherification, ozonolysis, diol cleavage
2015-03-27 — Genetics in medicine 08: Inflammatory bowel disease
2015-03-27 — Organic chemistry 20: Alkenes - oxymercuration, hydroboration
2015-03-25 — Organic chemistry 19: Alkenes - epoxidation, dihydroxylation, cyclopropanation
2015-03-19 — Protein folding 07: Collagen
2015-03-13 — Genetics in medicine 07: von Hippel-Lindau
2015-03-12 — Protein folding 06: Amyloid
2015-03-11 — Organic chemistry 18: Electrophilic addition to alkenes
2015-03-11 — Organic chemistry 17: Anchimeric assistance, epoxide transformations
2015-03-09 — Organic chemistry 16: Stereochemistry - complex chirality, prochirality, topicity
2015-03-06 — Genetics in medicine 06: Pitt-Hopkins syndrome
2015-03-06 — Organic chemistry 15: Stereochemistry - meso compounds, resolution
2015-03-05 — Protein folding 05: Partially folded intermediates
2015-03-04 — Organic chemistry 14: Unimolecular beta elimination - carbocation rearrangements
2015-03-02 — Organic chemistry 13: Bimolecular beta elimination (E2) - regioselectivity and stereoselectivity
2015-02-27 — Genetics in medicine 05: Cystic fibrosis
2015-02-27 — Organic chemistry 12: SN2 substitution - nucleophilicity, epoxide electrophiles
2015-02-26 — Protein folding 04: Formation of alpha helices
2015-02-25 — Organic chemistry 11: SN1 Substitution - carbocations, solvolysis, solvent effects
2015-02-23 — Organic chemistry 10: Stereochemistry - chirality, enantiomers and diastereomers
2015-02-20 — Genetics in medicine 04: Down syndrome
2015-02-20 — Organic chemistry 09: Introduction to substitution and elimination
2015-02-19 — Protein folding 03: Beta sheets
2015-02-13 — Genetics in medicine 03: X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy
2015-02-13 — Organic chemistry 08: Carbonyl conjugation, conformational analysis, cyclic compounds
2015-02-12 — Protein folding 02: Alpha helices and coiled coils
2015-02-11 — Organic chemistry 07: Carbonyls - organometallic nucleophiles, acidity and pKa
2015-02-07 — Genetics in medicine 02: Mitochondrial disorders
2015-02-06 — Organic chemistry 06: Carbonyls - nucleophilic additions, oxidation and reduction
2015-02-05 — Protein folding 01: The protein folding problem
2015-02-04 — Organic chemistry 05: Frontier molecular orbital theory
2015-02-02 — Organic chemistry 04: Arrow-pushing: resonance, nucleophiles and electrophiles
2015-01-30 — Genetics in medicine 01: Huntington disease
2015-01-30 — Organic chemistry 03: Bonding - atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals
2015-01-28 — Organic chemistry 02: Nomenclature and functional groups
2015-01-27 — The search for genetic modifiers of prion disease
2015-01-26 — Organic chemistry 01: What is organic chemistry, drawing structures
2015-01-22 — The quest for the structure of PrPSc
2015-01-13 — List of reportedly pathogenic PRNP variants
2014-12-23 — Biolit midterm and final
2014-12-21 — Structures of PrPC
2014-12-15 — Neurodegeneration seminar 7: 'Unifying themes in neurodegenerative disease'
2014-12-08 — Neurodegeneration seminar 6: 'polyQ proteins'
2014-12-05 — Genetics 27: 'Epigenetics Part II'
2014-12-04 — Biolit 11: complex genetics
2014-12-03 — Molecular Biology 29: 'Paul Anderson\'s research seminar
2014-12-03 — Genetics 26: 'Epigenetics Part I'
2014-12-01 — Neurodegeneration seminar 5: 'Alpha synuclein'
2014-11-24 — Neurodegeneration seminar 4: 'TDP-43 and C9orf72'
2014-11-24 — Molecular Biology 28: 'Post-transcriptional regulation and RNA interference'
2014-11-24 — We can, and should, do clinical trials in rare diseases
2014-11-21 — Molecular Biology 27: 'Eukaryotic translation'
2014-11-21 — Genetics 25: 'Mapping the genetic basis of complex phenotypes'
2014-11-20 — Biolit 10: metabolism
2014-11-19 — Primer on PCSK9 genetics
2014-11-19 — Molecular Biology 26: 'Prokaryotic translation'
2014-11-19 — Genetics 24: 'Complex traits, heritability, and the genetics of populations'
2014-11-17 — Neurodegeneration seminar 3: 'tau'
2014-11-14 — Molecular Biology 25: 'Stirling Churchman\'s research seminar'
2014-11-14 — Genetics 23: 'Genetics in families and the analysis of Mendelian traits'
2014-11-13 — Biolit 09: genome-wide approaches
2014-11-12 — Molecular Biology 24: 'mRNA transport'
2014-11-12 — Genetics 22: 'Genome variation in humans'
2014-11-10 — Neurodegeneration seminar 2: 'Amyloid beta'
2014-11-10 — Genetics 21: 'Mouse models of human disease'
2014-11-10 — PrP transgene constructs
2014-11-07 — Molecular Biology 23: 'mRNA processing'
2014-11-07 — Genetics 20: 'How to do genetics in cultured somatic cells'
2014-11-06 — Biolit 08: small RNAs
2014-11-05 — Molecular Biology 22: 'Transcription termination'
2014-11-05 — Genetics 19: 'Zebrafish genetics'
2014-11-03 — Neurodegeneration seminar 1: 'Prions'
2014-11-03 — Molecular Biology 21: 'Transcription elongation'
2014-10-31 — Genetics 18: 'Modifier and mosaic screens in Drosophila'
2014-10-30 — Biolit 07: epigenetics
2014-10-29 — Molecular Biology 20: 'Research seminar - CHD5 and cancer'
2014-10-29 — Genetics 17: 'Forward genetic screens in Drosophila'
2014-10-27 — Molecular Biology 19: 'Gene regulation V - nucleosomes and enhancers'
2014-10-27 — Genetics 16: 'Introduction to Drosophila: genotypes, recombination and balancer chromosomes'
2014-10-24 — Molecular Biology 18: 'Gene regulation IV - transcription initiation'
2014-10-22 — Genetics 15: 'How to study the neural basis of behavior using C. elegans'
2014-10-20 — Molecular Biology 17: 'Gene regulation III - transcription'
2014-10-20 — Genetics 14: 'C. Elegans methods workshop' or, 'Putting genes into pathways'
2014-10-17 — Molecular Biology 16: 'Gene regulation II - chromatin remodeling'
2014-10-17 — Genetics 13: 'How to study developmental mechanisms using C. elegans'
2014-10-15 — Molecular Biology 15: 'Gene regulation I - histones and the histone code'
2014-10-15 — Genetics 12: 'How to do a C. elegans screen'
2014-10-10 — Some musings on age of death in FamiLinx
2014-10-09 — Biolit 06: cytoskeletal dynamics
2014-10-08 — Molecular Biology 14: 'Research seminar: mechanisms of interstrand cross-link (ICL) repair'
2014-10-06 — Molecular Biology 13: 'Homologous recombination and non-homologous end-joining'
2014-10-03 — Molecular Biology 12: 'Base excision repair (BER) and nucleotide excision repair (NER)'
2014-10-02 — A cautionary tale of ascertainment bias in genetic disease age of onset
2014-10-02 — Biolit 05: protein aggregation
2014-10-01 — Molecular Biology 11: 'Ribonucleotide excision repair (RER) and mismatch repair (MMR)'
2014-10-01 — Genetics 11: 'Transposon sequencing (Tn-seq): how to identify mutants that die'
2014-09-30 — The conformation holds the information
2014-09-29 — Genetics 10: 'Genetic screens by example: virulence factor gene regulation'
2014-09-26 — Molecular Biology 10: 'Research seminar: 'Mechanism of replication termination'
2014-09-26 — Genetics 09: 'Transduction and Recombineering: a CRISPR case study'
2014-09-25 — Biolit 04: bacterial pathogenesis
2014-09-24 — Molecular Biology 09: 'Initiation of replication'
2014-09-24 — Genetics 08: 'Bacterial Basics, Phages, and CRISPR elements'
2014-09-22 — Molecular Biology 08: 'DNA replication and repair'
2014-09-22 — Genetics 07: 'Cytoplasmic inheritance and complex traits'
2014-09-18 — Biolit 03: cGAMP
2014-09-17 — Molecular Biology 07: 'Research seminar - single molecule approaches'
2014-09-17 — Genetics 06: 'Methods to find interacting proteins'
2014-09-15 — Molecular Biology Workshop: PyMOL
2014-09-15 — Molecular Biology 06: 'Chromosome structure'
2014-09-15 — Genetics 05: 'Suppressor analysis in yeast'
2014-09-12 — Molecular Biology 05: 'Protein-DNA interactions Part I'
2014-09-12 — Genetics 04: 'Molecular and genomic studies in yeast'
2014-09-11 — Biolit 02: protein targeting
2014-09-10 — Molecular Biology 04: 'DNA structure and topology'
2014-09-08 — Molecular Biology 03: 'Chemical kinetics and enzymes'
2014-09-08 — Genetics 03: 'Linkage and tetrad analysis in yeast'
2014-09-05 — Molecular Biology 02: 'Thermodynamics of protein folding'
2014-09-05 — Genetics 02: 'Introduction to yeast genetics and complementation'
2014-09-04 — Biolit 01: the plague
2014-09-03 — Chlorpromazine: a new mechanism of action
2014-09-03 — Molecular Biology 01: 'Introduction to protein structure'
2014-09-03 — Genetics 01: 'What we learned from Mendel'
2014-08-27 — Git tutorial
2014-08-26 — A retrospective view of muscle disease in PrP-overexpressing mice
2014-07-30 — Recombinant prion protein, Rocky Mountain-style
2014-07-18 — Four flavors of CRISPR knockout screens
2014-07-14 — Notes from the CJD2014 conference
2014-07-10 — Our first RT-QuIC experiment
2014-07-07 — Spontaneous conversion of D178N PrP in RT-QuIC
2014-06-19 — RT-QuIC protocols in detail
2014-06-04 — A proposal: how to tell if a cell-free assay is predictive of therapeutic potency in vivo
2014-06-04 — Prion2014 Posters
2014-05-30 — Prion2014 Day 4
2014-05-29 — Prion2014 Day 3
2014-05-28 — Prion2014 Day 2
2014-05-27 — Prion2014 Day 1: Keynotes
2014-05-27 — The overdrive hypothesis: is alpha cleavage key to keeping PrP in check?
2014-05-15 — The kin-cohort method for estimating disease penetrance
2014-05-15 — The difference between odds ratio and risk ratio
2014-04-29 — Structural mutants of PrP
2014-04-24 — Converting genetic variants to their minimal representation
2014-04-24 — Gamma secretase inhibitors and prion disease
2014-04-23 — Our next step
2014-03-13 — Viral expression of antibodies in the brain as a therapeutic strategy in prion disease
2014-03-09 — How to, and how not to, knock out PRNP
2014-02-04 — Why doxycycline's failure in CJD clinical trials is no surprise
2014-01-28 — Trends in NIH-funded prion grants
2014-01-21 — Peripheral prion infection and the Y163X mutation
2014-01-17 — A comparison of tools for calling CNVs from sequence data
2014-01-16 — What's this Roche Brain Shuttle all about?
2014-01-15 — Running R in batch mode on Linux
2014-01-12 — Prion kinetic models and the relationship between inoculum titer and incubation time
2014-01-02 — An introduction to Murcko fragments and structure-activity relationships using rcdk
2013-12-18 — Why a simple exponential model of prion kinetics in vivo won't work
2013-12-16 — Does spontaneous prion disease begin in the brain?
2013-12-14 — How do prions travel from cell to cell?
2013-12-13 — Biochemistry 12: diabetes
2013-12-10 — A brief history of prion propagation in cell culture
2013-12-06 — Biochemistry 11: regulation and integration
2013-12-03 — Accounting for cell division and PrPSc availability in prion kinetic models
2013-12-02 — Analytical solutions for a model of prion protein degradation
2013-11-23 — Biochemistry 10: lipid metabolism
2013-11-18 — An mRNA-seq pipeline using Gsnap, samtools, Cufflinks and BEDtools
2013-11-18 — New high-throughput screening hits from the Prusiner lab
2013-11-18 — Data from two high-throughput screens to deplete PrP available in PubChem
2013-11-08 — Biochemistry 09: amino acid and nucleotide metabolism
2013-11-08 — Biochemistry 08: the citric acid cycle and the electron transport chain
2013-11-06 — Plotting antiprion compounds in the chemical space of drugs and libraries
2013-10-28 — The evolution of cell-free prion conversion assays
2013-10-26 — Biochemistry 07: glucose metabolism
2013-10-26 — Highlights of ASHG2013
2013-10-18 — Biochemistry 06: membranes, signaling and metabolism
2013-10-17 — 2-aminothiazoles: a tale of drug resistance and strain specificity
2013-10-17 — How prion protein was first purified
2013-10-13 — Biochemistry 05: carbohydrates, glycoproteins and lipids
2013-10-11 — Biochemistry 04: proteins and nucleic acids
2013-10-11 — PERK inhibitors to save mice from prion disease?
2013-10-04 — Properties of CNS drugs vs. all FDA-approved drugs
2013-10-04 — List of FDA-approved drugs and CNS drugs with SMILES
2013-09-25 — How to explain the discrepancy in PrPC half-life estimates in vivo
2013-09-23 — A quick intro to chemical informatics in R
2013-09-22 — Mouse models for studying human prion strains
2013-09-22 — Interactive timepoint-delay plots using the Google Charts API
2013-09-22 — Biochemistry 03: enzyme kinetics
2013-09-22 — Biochemistry 02: protein structure and transport proteins
2013-09-22 — Biochemistry 01: stereochemistry, thermodynamics, water and acid-base chemistry
2013-09-17 — Genetic risk factors without heritability? The case of Parkinson's disease
2013-09-16 — Revised budget for studies of anle138b in FFI and E200K mice
2013-09-12 — Counts vs. FPKMs in RNA-seq
2013-09-12 — Understanding chirality with keys and umbrellas
2013-09-10 — Statistical power for bioluminescence studies
2013-09-08 — Study design for therapeutic trials in FFI and E200K mice
2013-09-04 — Methylenedioxyphenyl
2013-09-01 — Objective measures of gene conservation applied to PrP
2013-09-01 — pi: PrP's hypothetical backup protein
2013-08-26 — Allele-specific RNA-seq pipeline using Gsnap and GATK
2013-08-23 — Gene expression analysis QC pipeline in R
2013-08-19 — Why we want to test anle138b in GSS mice
2013-08-16 — Is Protein X the basis of dominant negative effects in prion disease?
2013-08-15 — Allelic origin of PrPSc in heterozygotes
2013-08-10 — Do we need PrPL to explain the neurotoxicity of prions?
2013-08-01 — How compound incubation time affects power in anti-prion drug discovery screens
2013-07-31 — MRC Prion Unit discusses possible clinical trial of PRN100 antibody
2013-07-30 — Comparison of high-throughput screening approaches used for anti-prion small molecule discovery
2013-07-29 — Introduction to conformation-dependent immunoassay
2013-07-25 — The role of the proteasome in PrP degradation and prion disease
2013-07-11 — Tissue-specific gene expression data based on Human BodyMap 2.0
2013-07-11 — Prion protein degradation in lysosomes and the effect of autophagy-activating drugs
2013-07-11 — Basics of protein degradation
2013-07-04 — How to convert SAM to FASTQ with Unix command line tools
2013-06-29 — Proteolytic shedding of prion protein
2013-06-29 — Expanded multiple alignments of PrP
2013-06-26 — Proteolysis of prion protein in the central region: alpha and beta cleavage
2013-06-24 — The complicated relationship between copper, PrP and prion disease
2013-06-19 — How censoring by life expectancy affects age of onset distributions
2013-06-18 — How to do a GWAS for heterozygote advantage
2013-06-14 — Histone marks at 5' vs. 3' ends of genes: a gentle slope or sudden dropoff?
2013-06-11 — Timepoint-delay plots for comparing prion therapeutics tested in vivo
2013-06-08 — A simple mathematical example of the glycoform "selection model"
2013-06-08 — Facts about prion kinetics
2013-06-08 — A "magic threshold" of PrP knockdown to reverse prion disease?
2013-06-08 — A tour of the Zon lab and our introduction to zebrafish
2013-06-01 — PrPC downregulation in prion infection
2013-06-01 — GPM6A: an early biomarker of prion infection?
2013-06-01 — 2-aminothiazoles: exciting progress and lessons for the field
2013-06-01 — Updates on clinical trials of doxycycline for CJD at Prion2013
2013-05-24 — A comparison of statin studies in scrapie-infected mice
2013-05-18 — Updates on gene therapy for prion diseases
2013-05-15 — Regulation of prion protein transcription
2013-05-05 — Prion protein N-linked glycosylation: review and assessment of therapeutic potential
2013-05-05 — Current status of efforts to delay genetic prion disease in humans
2013-05-02 — Review of prion protein and amyloid beta interactions
2013-05-02 — R equivalent of SQL coalesce
2013-05-01 — Cell Biology 12: Stem Cells and Cancers
2013-04-30 — Slope or correlation, not variance explained, allow estimation of heritability
2013-04-28 — Cell Biology 11: Apoptosis & Necrosis
2013-04-26 — Translating timepoints from mouse trials into human clinical trials
2013-04-26 — anle138b: the new most promising experimental compound for treating prion diseases
2013-04-20 — Blood lipids and prion diseases
2013-04-20 — Cell Biology 10: Regulation of Transcription Through Signal Transduction
2013-04-16 — Cell Biology 09: Signal Transduction
2013-04-11 — Four quick proteomics analyses using PostgreSQL and R
2013-04-08 — Half life of PrP and its mRNA
2013-04-08 — The case for depleting PrP as a therapeutic strategy against prion diseases
2013-04-08 — Review of drugs used in humans with prion disease
2013-04-08 — Passive immunization against PrP
2013-04-06 — Cell Biology 08: Cell Cycle Regulation and Checkpoints
2013-04-04 — Tacrolimus, astemizole and a new screening approach for drugs that reduce PrP
2013-04-03 — Association of repeat length polymorphisms with complex traits and common diseases
2013-03-31 — PRNP deletions in 1000 Genomes are not real
2013-03-30 — Cell Biology 07: Microtubules and Cell Division
2013-03-20 — Can humans live without PrP?
2013-03-19 — Automatically creating pivot table column names in PostgreSQL
2013-03-17 — Polyene antifungal drugs for prion disease
2013-03-15 — Mapping proteomics data to UniProt, RefSeq and gene symbols
2013-03-14 — Fatal familial insomnia and the boy girl paradox
2013-03-12 — Why we recommend 23andMe to everyone we know
2013-03-10 — Cell Biology 06: The Cytoskeleton Part II: Tubulin
2013-03-06 — 23andMe's coverage of rare prion diseases
2013-03-05 — Heritability and genetic modifiers in Mendelian diseases
2013-03-03 — Prospects for gene therapy of prion diseases
2013-03-02 — Cell Biology 05: The Cytoskeleton Part I: Actin
2013-02-28 — Help us win $10,000 for prion disease research
2013-02-24 — Cell Biology 04: The Secretory Pathway
2013-02-17 — Environmental modifiers for Huntington's age of onset?
2013-02-17 — Cell Biology 03: Targeting proteins to organelles
2013-02-12 — Finding all the polyQ genes in the human genome
2013-02-10 — Cell Biology 02: The Plasma Membrane
2013-02-05 — Fatal familial insomnia as a sleep disorder
2013-02-04 — How to calculate heritability
2013-02-01 — The decoy genome
2013-01-31 — Mitochondrial heteroplasmy
2013-01-30 — Center for Human Genetic Research 2013 Retreat
2013-01-29 — Sampling a matching distribution for bootstrapping
2013-01-27 — PrP / amyloid beta interactions and the prion disease / Alzheimer's connection
2013-01-25 — Aligning unmapped reads to viral genomes
2013-01-24 — How synonymous are synonymous SNPs?
2013-01-23 — Huntington's Disease phenotypes in cell culture
2013-01-21 — Advances in cell reprogramming
2013-01-19 — TALENs and ZFNs
2013-01-09 — Testing for repeat length association with phenotype using lobSTR
2013-01-08 — Calling repeat length polymorphisms with lobSTR
2012-12-31 — Electroconvulsive therapy, oxidative stress and prion disease
2012-12-28 — Tips for dealing with NHGRI GWAS catalog data
2012-12-27 — Biosafety levels for dealing with prions
2012-12-27 — How to identify a disease-associated repeat expansion
2012-12-19 — Forward and reverse reads in paired-end sequencing
2012-12-17 — Chlorpromazine: another prion therapeutic of yesteryear
2012-12-14 — Resources for systems biology in prion disease
2012-12-14 — UAB day 4: analytical approaches
2012-12-13 — The rise and fall of pentosan polysulfate in prion disease
2012-12-13 — UAB day 3: models and tools
2012-12-12 — UAB day 2: analysis, expression and epigenomics
2012-12-11 — How PCR duplicates arise in next-generation sequencing
2012-12-11 — UAB day 1: intro to sequencing
2012-12-10 — Huntington's disease reading list
2012-12-06 — Indometacin and the anti-inflammatory approach
2012-12-05 — Power for GWAS and extreme phenotype studies
2012-12-03 — Introduction to fatal familial insomnia
2012-12-03 — Log-rank test power depends on variance
2012-12-01 — Memantine
2012-12-01 — Adverse effects of ibuprofen
2012-11-30 — Power analysis for mouse studies using the t test vs. log-rank test
2012-11-29 — PET with fluorodeoxyglucose as pre-symptomatic FFI diagnostic
2012-11-29 — Student's t test vs. log-rank test for mouse studies
2012-11-29 — Dapsone
2012-11-28 — Background on heritability in Huntington's Disease age of onset
2012-11-28 — The role of oxidation and Coenzyme Q in prion disease
2012-11-26 — Advances in imaging of prion disease progression in mice and humans
2012-11-26 — More about minocycline
2012-11-25 — Promising molecules from high-throughput screening in the Groschup lab
2012-11-25 — Resveratrol
2012-11-24 — Porphyrin and phthalocyanine compounds
2012-11-24 — Curcumin as prion therapeutic
2012-11-24 — An introduction to high-throughput screening and its relevance to prion therapeutics
2012-11-18 — Anti-PrP vaccines
2012-11-16 — An introduction to Walker Jackson's fatal familial insomnia knock-in mice
2012-11-16 — Can a human PRNP disease gene be knocked into mice?
2012-11-14 — Multiple alignment of mammalian PrP amino acid sequences
2012-11-13 — The difference between knock-in and transgenic mice
2012-11-12 — annovar with GRCh37
2012-11-11 — We're back
2012-10-25 — Population Substructure, Part II
2012-10-23 — Scutellaria lateriflora
2012-10-23 — Fluphenazine, trimipramine and two styryl compounds
2012-10-23 — Quinacrine
2012-10-23 — Check out PrionAlliance.org
2012-10-17 — Descriptive statistics and quality control on variants
2012-10-16 — Imaging of amyloid plaques
2012-10-15 — How (and why) to create population covariates using 1000 Genomes data
2012-10-06 — Screen reveals antiprion compounds that act indirectly
2012-10-06 — VPSPr: another strain of sporadic prion disease
2012-09-28 — Statins as prion therapeutics
2012-09-28 — Exosome miRNA signatures offer a possible prion diagnostic tool
2012-09-25 — cpd-B as a prion therapeutic
2012-09-25 — Implementation of RVT1 and RVT2 in R and SQL
2012-09-19 — Exome sequencing pipeline using GATK
2012-09-14 — The history of tetracyclines as treatments for prion disease
2012-09-13 — Rapamycin delays disease onset in GSS mice
2012-09-07 — An alternative exome sequencing pipeline using bowtie2 and samtools
2012-09-07 — Issues with the conventional BWA-Picard-GATK exome sequencing pipeline
2012-09-07 — Improvements in GATK 2.x
2012-08-27 — FastQC for large numbers of samples
2012-08-17 — SNP databases
2012-08-17 — Exome sequencing reveals disease modifiers for cystic fibrosis
2012-08-15 — QQ plots with matplotlib
2012-08-13 — Biological and statistical considerations in exome analysis
2012-08-13 — Getting started with analyzing sequence data
2012-08-06 — Genome-wide association studies
2012-08-03 — How Tafamidis was born
2012-08-02 — Exome sequencing and analysis
2012-08-02 — Huntington's becomes the huntingted
2012-07-04 — Adiga on Bright Field Microscopy
2012-07-01 — Visualizing staining variation using matplotlib
2012-06-28 — New expression pattern data access from the Allen Institute
2012-06-24 — Pentosan Polysulfate
2012-06-24 — House prescribes Amphotericin
2012-06-11 — The magic of blur and contrast
2012-06-07 — Stem cell assays by the numbers
2012-06-06 — Literature review: image segmentation on H&E-stained tissue samples
2012-05-16 — Endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus
2012-05-13 — Color transformations for segmenting complex images
2012-04-26 — Luminescent conjugated polymers
2012-04-22 — Using the nasal-CNS connection to bypass the BBB
2012-04-20 — Circadian rhythm regulators
2012-04-16 — secondary oligomer as toxic species
2012-04-13 — Diagnostic clinical study ongoing at UCSF
2012-04-13 — Trimipramine and Fluphenazine
2012-04-13 — CellProfiler in command line mode
2012-04-13 — Convolutional Networks continued
2012-03-31 — More on Convolutional Networks and Machine Learning
2012-03-31 — Making sense of the Allen Institute mouse brain images
2012-03-31 — iPS cells and neurodifferentiation
2012-03-27 — Turaga, Murray 2010 - Convolutional Networks Can Learn to Generate Affinity Graphs for Image Segmentation
2012-03-25 — Mouse brain images from the Allen Institute for Brain Science
2012-03-24 — Jain 2010 - Machines that learn to segment images: a crucial technology for connectomics
2012-03-24 — Jones 2009 - Scoring diverse cellular morphologies in image-based screens with iterative feedback and machine learning
2012-03-24 — Kamentsky 2011 - Improved structure, function, and compatibility for CellProfiler: modular high-throughput image analysis software
2012-03-24 — Histology, high-throughput screening and prion therapeutics
2012-03-19 — Disulfide Bonds
2012-03-10 — Prion workshop day 3
2012-03-10 — Prion workshop day 2
2012-03-10 — Prion workshop day 1
2012-02-29 — Shape shifting: protein statistical physics as a linear programming problem
2012-02-29 — The origin of Walker Jackson's FFI knock-in mice
2012-02-28 — Lindquist lab follows up on yeast prion epigenetics
2012-02-24 — Chaperonin nano-cages
2012-02-24 — Heat shock protein review article
2012-02-24 — Background on chaperones
2012-02-21 — The state of gene therapy for HIV
2012-02-19 — Coming soon in DNA sequencing technology
2012-02-18 — Review article on why PrP exists
2012-02-18 — Structure of FFI prion protein
2012-02-17 — Bone marrow transplants and neurodegeneration
2012-02-17 — More good reasons to eat turmeric
2012-02-17 — Nanobiotechnology and DNA origami
2012-02-15 — Autophagy and neuroprotection
2012-02-14 — A quick tour of the brain
2012-02-10 — Cancer Drug 'Rapidly Clears' Beta-Amyloid Plaques in Mice
2012-02-07 — Science Night 2012.02.06
2012-02-07 — Kuru and the G127V Polymorphism
2012-02-07 — Finding the PRNP Gene Sequence
2012-02-05 — I found this article which may be of...
2012-02-03 — History of FFI by the New York Times
2012-02-02 — Alzheimer's spreads through infectious tau proteins
2012-02-02 — Heat shock transcription factors and protein chaperones
2012-01-22 — Prion lectures by Susan Lindquist
2012-01-18 — Clinical trial for doxycycline in FFI carriers will run from 2011-2022
2012-01-18 — Materials from the annual CJD foundation family conference
2012-01-18 — Science night notes 2012.01.16
2012-01-18 — Allele-specific gene silencing using siRNA
2012-01-17 — A helpful review from 2003 by Detlev Risener...
2012-01-11 — Orphan drugs
2012-01-11 — Spread of PrP(Sc) in vCJD -- follicular dendritic cells
2012-01-11 — Cholesterol and lipids
2012-01-10 — Oxidative stress and metals
2012-01-10 — Prion replication vs. neurotoxicity
2012-01-10 — Antisense therapy
2012-01-10 — Crossing the blood-brain barrier
2012-01-09 — Bruce's notes for phone call 2011.12.24
2012-01-08 — Labs and resources
2012-01-08 — Other potentially therapeutic drugs
2012-01-08 — Native function of PrP(c)
2012-01-08 — Bioinformatics
2012-01-08 — Link to Alzheimer's
2012-01-08 — Beta amyloid and melatonin
2012-01-08 — Genomics
2012-01-08 — Autophagy
2012-01-08 — Tetracyclines
2012-01-08 — Regenerative medicine/ stem cell therapy
2012-01-08 — Prion protein folding
2012-01-08 — Glossary Part 3
2012-01-08 — Epigenetics
2012-01-08 — Gene therapy
2012-01-08 — Chemical chaperones
2012-01-08 — Immunotherapy treatment
2012-01-08 — Glossary Part 2
2012-01-08 — Agrypnia excitata
2012-01-08 — Nutrition
2012-01-08 — Glossary Part 1
2012-01-06 — The gene sequence for FFI