Research doesn’t happen without money! Your tax-deductible donation will go to Prion Alliance, the 501(c)(3) non-profit that Sonia and I run to fund research towards a cure for prion disease. All funds go to science.

Three things to know about donating:

  1. You are awesome.
  2. We accept donations via PayPal or check.
  3. For tax deduction purposes, Prion Alliance’s EIN is 46-0732060.

To make a memorial donation, please fill out the “In honor of” field in PayPal’s system. To make a recurring monthly contribution, use this form.

Mail us a check

Send a check made out to Prion Alliance to:

P.O. BOX 391953

Just make sure your return address is legible or that you include a note with your email address, so that we can send you a donation receipt so that you can deduct this donation on your tax return.